2.最近三年應發表二篇 SCI、SSCI、A&HCI、EI、TSSCI、民國一百零五年新制 THCI(原 THCICore) 或SCOPUS等索引收錄之學術性期刊論文。
(一) 初審:
(2) 未來研究方向。
(3) 有助本系師生教學、研究、服務之國際化具體策略。
(4) 對本系可能之具體貢獻。
(二) 複審:通過初審者,擇期面談。
七、有意應徵者,請將需備文件於民國 114年 3月18日(星期二)前寄送(以交郵日郵戳為憑,逾期不收件)臺北市和平東路一段162號,國立臺灣師範大學社會教育學系廖世璋系主任收(請於信封上註明「應徵社會教育學系專任(案)教師」)。
Faculty Position Announcement
Department of Adult and Continuing Education, National Taiwan Normal University
full-time teacher/project-based teaching fellow (assistant professor rank or above)
1. Specialized Field
Professionals in the fields of management, planning, design, and promotion related to adult and continuing education (including adult and elderly education). Expertise in the use of generative AI, digital technology, and multimedia is especially preferred.
2. Qualifications(If you are not a citizen of the Republic of China, you need to be able to communicate in Chinese.)
Applicants for the full-time faculty position and the project-based teaching fellow should hold a Ph.D. degree in related disciplines.
(1) Except for a Ph.D. degree, any applicants for the full-time faculty position must fulfill the following requirements:
a. Has published papers in journals indexed in SCI, SSCI, A&HCI, EI, TSSCI, the new THCI in 2016 (formerly THCI Core), and SCOPUS in the past 3 years as the first author or corresponding author.
b. Has hosted research projects sponsored by National Science and Technology Council (formerly the Ministry of Science and Technology) in the last 3 years.
The total number of papers in the aforementioned journals and the number of research projects of National Science and Technology Council (formerly the Ministry of Science and Technology) must be at least 3.
(2) Except for first-time teachers with a Ph.D. degree, any applicants for the project-based teaching fellow must fulfill one of the following requirements:
a. Has published a book within 3 years, with proof of peer review and publication.
b. Has published at least 2 papers in journals indexed in SCI, SSCI, A&HCI, EI, TSSCI, the new THCI in 2016 (formerly THCI Core), and SCOPUS in the past 3 years as the first author or corresponding author.
“First -time teachers” refer to those who have not served as a full-time teacher in colleges or above after acquiring their doctoral degree within 2 years prior to this faculty position announcement(excluding the mandatory military service tenure for male candidates).
3. Academic and Teaching Expertise Requirements
(1) Academic Expertise: Professional talent in the fields related to the management, planning, design, and promotion of adult and continuing education (including adult and senior education).
(2) Teaching Expertise: Ability to offer courses on adult and continuing education (including adult and elderly education) with a focus on institutions, centers, organizations, programs, activities, and curriculum design. Preference for courses that incorporate generative AI, digital tools, and multimedia.
4. Must be able to teach EMI (English as a Medium of Instruction) courses and possess the ability of internationalization.
5. Application process
(1) Preliminary review:
Please send 4 copies of application materials before the deadline containing:
a. Curriculum Vitae (Please download the application form from the Department of Adult and Continuing Education website. http://reurl.cc/mZmY8Y)
b. Photocopies of doctoral degree diploma, teacher certificate (if any), or letter of appointment, etc.
c. Academic publication, degree dissertation, or achievements in professional fields
d. Teaching evaluation (if any)
e. Future plans:
- At least 8 sample course syllabi, including 3 English-taught courses. Applicants for the project-based teaching fellow should provide at least 5 sample course syllabi, including at least 5 English-taught courses.
- Future research direction
- Strategies for internationalization in teaching, research and service
- Possible contributions to the department
(2) Final review:
Applicants passing the preliminary review will be interviewed at a scheduled time.
6. All application materials must be submitted to the Head of the Department of Adult and Continuing Education, National Taiwan Normal University (No. 162, Section 1, Heping East Road, Taipei City 106, Taiwan) by Tuesday, March 18, 2025. Please clearly indicate "Application for Full-time Teacher/Project-based Teaching Fellow/Technical Specialist of the Department of Adult and Continuing Education" on the envelope.
7. This recruitment shall be handled in accordance with the relevant regulations of the university and the department.
8. For the relevant regulations of full-time teachers, please refer to the "National Taiwan Normal University Regulations for Faculty Evaluation". For the relevant regulations of project-based teaching fellow, please refer to the "Guidelines for the Appointment of Adjunct Faculty and Researchers at National Taiwan Normal University".
9. If the applicant would like to have application materials back, he/she should pick up materials in person (or by designated express delivery) from the Department of Adult and Continuing Education, NTNU before September 30, 2025 . For any inquiries, please contact administrative assistant of the Department of Adult and Continuing Education (Email: hsuanhui@ntnu.edu.tw).
發佈日期:2025-01-22 00:00:00