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NTUM/ CMU and MDACC Team won the largest grant from National Science Council for the program of International Research Intensive Center for Excellence (I-RiCE)

After a series and rigorous processes of proposal reviewing, presenting, and revising, the final list of granted International Research Intensive Center for Excellence (I-RiCE)of 2012 was released by National Science Council recently. A total number of 18 proposals from universities, research institutes, Academia Sinica were submitted to National Science Council in the second half of 2011 and only 4 of them were finally selected. The four I-RiCE programs focus on the areas of Plant Biology and Food Science & Technology, Cancer Research, Robotic and Automation, and Super Computer Computation. The National Taiwan University Medical College and China Medical University (Taiwan) formed a research team with University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center for the I-RICE program. The research idea of establishing an advanced research center for cancer diagnosis, treatment, and facilities proposed by the mentioned team had won the top grant out of the four. This is a five-year program and each party (NSC, two medical schools in Taiwan, and MDACC) will contribute NTD 50 millions (1.67 million USD) per year for five years. However, the contribution from MDACC will have part of the in-kind money. A bilateral symposium hosted by the party of MDACC is going to be held on May 24, 2012. A half day tour of medical research laboratories is scheduled on May 23. The detailed symposium program will be provided in the later days.
Last Modified : 2015/05/22