The Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) organized two 12-day LIFT O2O Conferences starting from June 17th and October 21st respectively to recruit overseas talent to work in Taiwan. During the 12-day itinerary, participants communicated with the representatives of the companies in Hsinchu Science Park, Central Taiwan Science Park, and other trades.
Through the promotion of overseas divisions of MOST, 50 participants who took part in the second LIFT O2O Conference, 44 obtained their doctorate degree and six received their master’s degree in AI. Moreover, the Conference attracted two foreigners to participate in this program. “For the needs arising from Taiwan’s innovation and technology development, we believe that the LIFT Program can attract more talent to join Taiwan’s domestic industry and upgrade our international competitiveness.” said Science and Technology Minister Chen Liang-gee during his opening remarks.
The LIFT "Online Platform" and "Offline Conference" are the two features of this program. In order to create a platform for recruiting and attracting overseas talent and foreign professionals to come to work and live in Taiwan, the LIFT Platform collects not only the talent pool from 11 Overseas Science and Technology Divisions and other associations, but also recruitment information from our domestic industry and enterprises.
For the Offline Conference the overseas talented people were subsidized with a round-trip air fare, and a 12-day itinerary in Taiwan was arranged. The aim of this was to help them to rapidly learn more about Taiwan's current industrial development and enhance their interest in staying in Taiwan to contribute towards the country’s economic development.
A number of relevant companies and institutions were arranged for the overseas attendees to visit, such as: Taiwan Tech Arena, major experimental research centers (e.g. the National Applied Research Laboratories), ITRI, Show Chwan Memorial Hospital, ATC, LCY Chemical, CH Biotech, Pili International Multimedia, PharmaEssentia, TECO, and NCSIST. Participants were impressed by the visits and highly interested in Taiwan’s technological development. Also, LIFT arranged three matchmaking events where 40 LIFTers could link with 77 vacancies from more than 50 talent seekers.
Thirty-one overseas individuals participated in the first 2019 LIFT O2O Conference. Around one third of these participants have so far successfully found their career path in Taiwan. Three participants of the second Conference have already received a job offer, while many others have received opportunities of second round interviews.
The 2020 LIFT program is now in planning. LIFT welcomes overseas talent to broaden the horizon of Taiwan's industry. For more information, please visit
Media Contact:
Program Director Ya-Hui Chang
Department of International Cooperation and Science Education,
Ministry of Science and Technology
Yidan Huang
MOST Center for Leaders in Future Trends (LIFT)