
Mahidol University



Address :

Office of the President, Mahidol University
999 Phuttamonthon 4 Road, Salaya, Nakhon Pathom 73170, THAILAND

Tel :66 (0) 2849-623O (Director), 66 (0) 2849-6231-3,66 (0) 2849-6235-6

Fax :66 (0) 2849-6237

Email :opinter@diamond.mahidol.ac.th





Mahidol University (MU) is the oldest institution of higher learning in Thailand, founded in 1890 by H.M. King Chulalongkorn the Great as a medical school attached to Siriraj Hospital. In 1969, having gained renown in the fields of medicine, public health and the sciences, it was renamed after H.R.H. Prince Mahidol of Songkla, widely considered to be the 'Father of Modern Medicine and Public Health in Thailand'.MU has since developed into one of the most prestigious universities in Thailand,   internationally known and recognized for the high caliber research and lecturing talent of its faculty, and its outstanding achievements in teaching, research, international academic collaboration and professional services. This diversified institution now offers top quality programs in numerous social and cultural disciplines, including the most doctoral programs of any institution in Thailand, yet has maintained its traditional excellence in the medicine and the sciences.



The overall philosophy of MU is best captured by the university motto:

In the Pali language, this translates as the Golden Rule in English: 'Do unto others as you would have others do unto you'. This underlying theme pervades every aspect of MU as it endeavors to imbue graduates with the conviction that, aside from achieving academic excellence, they have a solemn duty to improve the quality of life for all humanity.


Notable Firsts

* Oldest institution of higher learning in Thailand.

* Highest budget and most full professors of any institution of higher learning inThailand.

* Greatest number of the most prestigious research awards and internationalawards in Thailand.

* More research publications in international journals than any other university in Thailand.

* One of the few universities in the world with 3 Faculties of Medicine, a Faculty of Dentistry with its own dental clinic, 3 research and training hospitals ( including the largest and oldest in Thailand and 1 Medical Center).

* Thailand's foremost promoter of internationalization' in higher education.



16 Faculties, 6 Colleges8 research Institutes and 6 Centers which:

*offer courses in a wide range of disciplines in natural and applied science, medicine, public health and health care, nursing, pharmacy, dentistry, physical therapy,engineering, education, management, social sciences and the arts.

*cover such diverse fields as chemistry, biology, biotechnology, language, nutrition, primary health care, child and family development, doping control, learning process, music, disability studies, management, religious studies, library information, and veterinary science.


Over 70 sub-Faculty Centers and Laboratories

      For focussed research into specialized fields, such as the MU Applied andTechnological Service Center, which promotes and supports research and providesknowledge-based services to both the public and private sectors


3 Faculties of Medicine and 3 research and training hospitals

      Which produce around 700 medical doctors annually and serve as centers forcomprehensive specialist medical training, with a total of around 4,000 beds serving nearly 4 million outpatients and 140,000 in-patients per year


A dental service unit

      At the Faculty of Dentistry and the newly established Medical Center at Salaya


MU Library and Information Center (MULIC)

      (an automated library system with 13 cyber-linked branches; over 1,000,000 books, theses and research reports, and bound journals; 1,500 printed journals and15,000 electronic journals; 8,000 audiovisual materials; hundreds of computerterminals and multimedia viewing equipment; a full range of library services,including online reference services, multi-database searching, and documentdelivery services).


MU Computing Network (MUC-Net)

      (more than ten thousand terminals/PCs in all departments throughout theuniversity; many advanced computer systems inter-networked harmoniously,running IBM, Compaq and Sun super-servers under UNIX, Linux, or Windows NT operating systems; full Internet and Intranet facilities; database and remote access   services; multimedia access).


A fully-realized 'ICT Campus'   

      [the MU 's 'Digital Library'; the MU Library and Information Center Network(MULINET), the MU Intranet; MUC-Net; Intra-phone, IP-phone, wireless campusnetwork; multi-media center and distance learning facilities; state-of-the-art video- conferencing facilities; Management Information System (MIS) Center for  Administrative Information System (MU-ADMIN-IS)].


Numerous dormitory rooms and condominium apartments for student accommodation

      With these extensive facilities, MU is fully prepared to meet the educational,training and research needs for Thai and international students in the new millennium.




Faculty of Dentistry (DT)

Faculty of Engineering (EG)

Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies (EN)

Faculty of Graduate Studies (GR)

Faculty of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

Faculty of Liberal Arts (LA)

Faculty of Medical Technology (MT)

Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital (RA)

Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital (SI)

Faculty of Nursing (NS)

Faculty of Pharmacy (PY)

Faculty of Physical Therapy (PT)

Faculty of Public Health (PH)

Faculty of Science (SC)

Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities (SH)

Faculty of Tropical Medicine (TM)

Faculty of Veterinary Science (VS)



ASEAN Institute for Health Development (AD)

Institute for Innovative Learning (IL)

Institute of Human Rights and Peace Studies (IHRP)

Institute of Molecular Biosciences (MB)

Institute of Nutrition (NU)

Institute for Population and Social Research (IPSR)

Institute for Technology and Innovation Management

National Institute for Child and Family Development (CF)

Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia (LC)




College of Management (CM)

College of Music (MS)

College of Religious Studies (CR)

College of Sports Science and Technology (SS)

Mahidol University International College (IC)

Ratchasuda College (RS)



Center for Human Rights Studies and Social Development (CHRSD)

Center for Intellectual Property Management (IP)

Center of Ethical Reinforcement for Human Research (SP)

Contemplative Education Center (CE)

Golden Jubilee Medical Center (GJ)

Mahidol University Wisdom Application Center (WA)

National Doping Control Centre (DC)

National Laboratory Animal Centre (AC)

Research Center for Peace Building (PB)

Mahidol University Library and Knowledge Center (LI)

Mahidol Disability Support Services (Mahidol DSS)


Provincial Campuses

Mahidol University Amnatcharoen Campus (AM)

Mahidol University Kanchanaburi Campus (KA)

Mahidol University Nakhonsawan Campus (NA)













Mahidol University
更新日期 : 2022/12/23