207 Giải Phóng, Đồng Tâm, Hai Bà Trưng, Hà Nội, Vietnam
Tel:+84 90 448 58 83
History and development
The National Economics University was established by the Decree No. 678-TTg of the Prime Minister dated January 25, 1956. The forerunner of the National Economics University was the College of Finance and Economics which operated within the Vietnam People's University System under the Prime Minister's Palace.
On May 22, 1958, the name of the University was changed into the University of Finance and Economics by the Decree No. 252-TTg of the Prime Minister of the same day. It was under the management of the then Ministry of Education. In January 1965, the University was renamed the University of Economics and Planning.
On October 22, 1985 the Minister of Higher and Secondary Vocational Education renamed the University "National Economics University" by the Decision No. 1443/Q§-KH. Since then, it was recognized as one of the leading universities in Vietnam.
Within the span of a half of a century of its establishment and development, it has recorded a lot of great achievements and received many noble titles awarded by the Party and the Government, namely the Labor Order of the third class for the period of 1961-1972, the second class in 1978, the first class in 1983, the Independence Order of the third class in 1986, the second class in 1991, and the first class in 1996, the title of Labor Hero in 2000, and the Ho Chi Minh Order in 2001, Friendship Order Of Lao People's Democratic Republic in 2008.
International cooperation has also played a significant role in developing NEU faculty and restructuring curriculum system. With a wide range of foreign partnerships and offering many internationally standardized programs, the university has practically been considered as a center for transferring educational technologies in economics, management and business to other institutions in Vietnam.
NEU has adopted extensive international cooperation programs in terms of training and research with many prestigious international academic institutions and organizations across continents. We have received sponsorship from many governments and international organizations such as SIDA (Sweden), UNFPA, CIDA (Canada), JICA (Japan), the Government of Netherlands, ODA (the UK), UNDP, World Bank, Ford Foundation, Hanns Seidel Foundation and others to conduct research, develop curricula, and deliver Master programmes in the fields of Economics, Business Administration, Finance, Development Economics, and intensive training courses on market economy. Meanwhile, it has had close connection with many foreign companies to organize training courses, conduct research and sponsor students.
Mission and vision
Since 1989 NEU was assigned by the government with three key tasks. They are: 1/ to act as a consultant to the Government on macro-economic policy; 2/ to provide undergraduate and postgraduate business education with the best quality standards; and 3/ to provide management training and development for managers of both state and private sectors and emerging entrepreneurs.
NEU at present time is serving as:
- One of the largest and top quality economic and business educational institutions in Vietnam. It currently has over 45,000 students, a staff of 1167 (of which, there are 697 lecturers, 21 professors, 105 associate professors, 108 doctor degree holders, and 411 masters) and 28 faculties/departments with 44 specializations and 8 training branches for a bachelor's degree including Economics, Business Administration, Banking and Finance, Accounting, Economic Information System, Law, Computer Science, and Foreign Languages; 33 specializations for a master's degree and 22 specializations for a doctoral degree in economics, management and business administration. Besides degree granting programmes, it regularly offers intensive training courses in economics and business administration for economic managers and practitioners nationwide. NEU has so far provided many generations of dynamic managers adaptable to the market economy and capable of acquiring new technologies. Among its graduates, there are many people who are holding important posts in agencies and bodies of the Party, National Assembly, Government, and companies as well.
- a prestigious center for economic research. The researches conducted by the center mainly support activities like training, making economic policies of the Party, the Government, industries, localities, and business strategies of enterprises; It continues to be the place of cutting-edge economic and business researches of the country. It is assigned a lot of important and big-scale research programmes by the Government. Besides, it has cooperated with many international institutions and organizations to conduct joint research programmes.
- A center for consulting and transfer of technology of economic and business management. It makes a significant contribution in providing central and local level organizations and agencies as well as enterprises in Vietnam with consulting services. Its profound influence over the whole Doi Moi process has been reinforced by the close links it has with the Government bodies and businesses.
By the year 2020, NEU aims to become a quality university in the Asia. Emphasis is, on one hand, put on developing the faculty members in terms of both quantity and qualifications to reach international standards. On the other, to encourage more effective learning, we are now upgrading offices and classrooms, adding new audio visual equipment, developing new textbooks and reference materials, updating information and data system for education, training and research, and replacing the existing infrastructure with a modern one.
* 1167 staff members:
o 22 professors;
o 105 associate professors;
o 212 doctors & 363 masters;
o 697 lecturers;
* 50.000 students in various levels and types of education;
* 45 majors (specializations), 38 faculties, centers, 10 institutes;
* ('98-'08): 200 textbooks published, 30 textbooks revised;
* Hundreds of Nation-level and Ministry-level scientific research projects;
* NEU's Campus: 140,000 m2;
* Library System: 3,405 m2 with 106,500 book titles;
* Cultural Hall: 1,000 seats.