
澳大利亞聯邦政府產業、科學及資源部(Department of Industry, Science and Resources, DISR)


澳大利亞聯邦政府現設16部,包括律政部(Attorney-General's Department)、 農漁林業部(Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry)、氣候變遷、能源、環境及水資源部(Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water)、 國防部(Department of Defence)、教育部(Department of Education)、就業及勞資關係部(Department of Employment and Workplace Relations)、金融部(Department of Finance)、外交貿易部(Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade)、衛生及高齡照護部(Department of Health and Aged Care)、內政部(Department of Home Affairs)、產業科學資源部(Department of Industry, Science and Resources)、基建、運輸、區域發展、通訊及藝術部(Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts)、總理及內閣事務部(Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet)、社會服務部(Department of Social Services)、財政部(Department of the Treasury)、退伍軍人事務部(Department of Veterans' Affairs)。


其中澳大利亞聯邦產業科學資源部(Department of Industry, Science and Resources, DISR)係主責推動科學、技術及商業化之投資,以協助具創新性及競爭力之企業、產業及區域成長,並支持澳大利亞繁榮發展之資源產業部門。該部現有2位部長 Minister for Industry and Science The Hon Ed Husic MP、Minister for Resources and Minister for Northern Australia The Hon Madeleine King MP 及1位次長 Assistant Minister for Manufacturing and Assistant Minister for Trade Senator the Hon Tim Ayres (均為2022年6月1日上任迄今),另下轄包括澳大利亞核子科學技術組織(Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, ANSTO)、 聯邦科學產業研究組織 (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, CSIRO)、首席科學家辦公室(Office of the Chief Scientist)以及澳大利亞太空署(Australian Space Agency, ASA)等所屬單位。 


官網: https://www.industry.gov.au/



更新日期 : 2024/02/22