January 3, 2023
A New Platform for Scientific Research Cooperation between Taiwan and the US- The NSTC Announces the Official Launch of the Taiwan Science and Technology Hub
Enhancing Taiwan’s international profile in S&T
On January 3, National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) Minister Tsung-Tsong Wu held a press conference for the launch of the Taiwan Science and Technology Hub (Taiwan S&T Hub). During the press conference, representatives from the American Institute in Taiwan as well as Taiwanese government agencies, academic institutions, research institutes, and technology companies came together to witness the beginning of a new chapter in S&T, talent cultivation, and start-up cooperation between Taiwan and the US.
The NSTC established the Taiwan S&T Hub at Stanford University to integrate a wide breadth of resources, which span from scientific research, academia, start-ups, and talent cultivation, into a single platform that will be crucial in promoting cooperation between Taiwan and the US. Through cross-ministry cooperation, the Taiwan S&T Hub will also hold a series of academic and scientific research conferences, symposiums, and workshops at Stanford University and the surrounding areas in the near future to enhance Taiwan’s international profile and impact in S&T.
Generating synergy through collaboration across government institutions and academic disciplines
The NSTC has been committed to promoting bilateral scientific research cooperation, talent cultivation, and talent exchanges between Taiwan and the US. For example, the NSTC awards grants to Taiwanese researchers to study in a variety of different fields at Stanford University through several talent cultivation programs such as the SPARK Program, the Stanford-Taiwan Biomedical Fellowship Program (STB), and the Stanford-Taiwan Social Science Fellowship Program (STSS). In addition, the NSTC provides academic research experience to doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows through the Graduate Students/Postdoctoral Study Abroad Program and the Dragon Gate Program to Stanford University.
The NSTC also coordinates cross-ministry and cross-discipline S&T programs, allocates relevant S&T resources. For this reason, the NSTC has integrated existing S&T programs into the Taiwan S&T Hub, and the hub will support talent cultivation, conducts international exchanges, and applies Taiwan’s S&T strengths around the globe. This platform will allow relevant programs to connect abroad, enhance cross-discipline academic capacities, and demonstrate the impact of Taiwan's S&T internationally. In addition, the Taiwan S&T Hub will determine and integrate the existing S&T and innovation resources of Taiwanese ministries with activity in the western US, which include the National Development Council, the NSTC, and the Ministry of Economic Affairs. At the Taiwan S&T Hub, government agencies, academia, and industry will be able to collaborate, share information of mutual interest, and showcase Taiwan's integrated S&T environment to the international community. Furthermore, the Taiwan S&T Hub will facilitate stronger cooperation between Taiwan and the US in S&T research, R&D, and industrial applications.
Connecting with important scientific research institutions in the Bay Area and showcasing Taiwan's strengths in S&T to the world
Key members of the Taiwan S&T Hub, who have extensive experience in cross-discipline coordination, possess forward-looking insight into the future of S&T cooperation between Taiwan and the US in critical fields such as scientific research, semiconductors, and innovation. These members will help link up Taiwanese researchers with important scientific institutions throughout the Bay Area such as Stanford University and UC Berkeley.
During the press conference, Taiwan S&T Hub Principal Investigator Professor Ying-Chih Chang introduced the main functions and goals of the Taiwan S&T Hub. Subsequently, Taiwan S&T Hub Faculty Executive Board Member Professor Philip Wong shared his views on new opportunities for Taiwan-US semiconductor cooperation. Finally, Taiwan S&T Hub Scientific Advisor and UC Berkeley School of Public Health Dean Michael C. Lu discussed deepening cooperation between Taiwan and the US in public health during the post-pandemic era.
In addition to helping researchers establish a presence in the US, the Taiwan S&T Hub will showcase Taiwan’s strengths in S&T during the project’s preliminary phase through launching a postdoctoral talent cultivation program that focuses on emerging fields of scientific research as well as holding a series of seminars, forums, and workshops.
Deepening bilateral S&T research and industry-academia cooperation between Taiwan and the US
During Minister Tsung-Tsong Wu’s remarks, he stated that the Taiwan S&T Hub is an innovative approach to address a larger set of challenges posed by international competition during the post-pandemic era. Wu said that Taiwan needs to make use of its strengths in S&T to create greater synergy. Therefore, Wu stated, the Taiwan S&T Hub will serve as an important platform for higher education, scientific research, and industry-academia cooperation. Wu said that in the future, the Taiwan S&T Hub will enhance Taiwan’s image as an important player in international research by providing opportunities for Taiwan’s scientific community and technological capacities to forge stronger connections with important institutions in the US.
Bilateral scientific research exchanges have become more frequent since Taiwan and the US signed the Science and Technology Agreement (STA) in December 2020. The Taiwan S&T Hub will connect Taiwan’s S&T capacities with important scientific research institutions in the US and serve as an important platform for Taiwan-US cooperation in academia, scientific research, and industry. In addition, the Taiwan S&T Hub will create further opportunities for comprehensive links in fields such as semiconductors, precision health, quantum technology, and sustainable energy.
Yahui Chang
Section Chief
National Science and Technology Council
Department of International Cooperation and Science Education