In order to develop the independent research and development of innovative autonomous driving technology, put forward in the major policies of the Executive Yuan, such as “Digital Nation and Innovative Economic Development Plan”, “Smart Machinery Industry Promotion Program”, and “The Asia Silicon Valley Development Plan”, Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) plans that domestic academics collaborate with vehicle manufacturers/vehicle component manufacturers in developing core technologies especially for the driving environment and the local industry needs in Taiwan. Innovative research and development and real vehicle verification are planned through academic outstanding research and development capabilities and talents. It is also expected to upgrade Taiwan's industrial technologies, improve capabilities for independently developing key technologies, and enhance international competitiveness.
The project aims at developing “forward-looking technology of artificial intelligence” and industrial value-based “innovative subsystem” for self-driving cars, which points out four issues, such as positioning navigation, environment sensing, decision planning and autonomous control. At the initial stage, the academic teams are expected to have research and development in closing the technology gap of industry, thinking out of the box, and going beyond the existing technology. Meanwhile, vehicle manufacturers/vehicle component manufacturers will join and work together for the further development of the cutting edge of the advanced technology. By establishment of the Taiwan CAR Lab (connect, autonomous, and road-test laboratory) in Shalun, the hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulation and the complete vehicle on-board functional verification can then be achieved so that the product requirement specification of the car manufacturer or Tier 1 supplier can be satisfied.