Taiwan’s Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) has invested US$ 24 million each year for a four-year period (from 2018 to 2022) to launch the “Semiconductor Moonshot Project.” This project is focus on the research and development of new semiconductor processes and advanced chip systems centered on intelligent edge computing. The overall goal is to challenge the key technology limits of Artificial Intelligence (AI) edge in 2022, develop AI chips for various types of edge devices, strengthen industrial competitiveness, and cultivate AI talents. The project brings together academic and research institutions to work in cooperation for achieving two promotion targets.
First, researching components and system integration for AI-powered edge computing: Taking advantage of Taiwan's position as a world-leading manufacturer of semiconductors, investment is pouring into research and development of critical intelligent edge technologies. Six major areas, in particular, will be used to create an uncontested market space for AI-related technology: innovative sensing devices, circuits and systems; next generation memory design; cognitive computing and AI chips; IoT systems and security for intelligent edge; system solution for unmanned vehicles system & AR/VR application; and emerging semiconductor processes, materials and device technologies.
Second, building a suitable environment: the integrated semiconductor research environment is supported by Taiwan Semiconductor Research Institute (TSRI), which will build platforms and environments for such areas as integrated circuits, advanced component manufacturing, and semiconductor production methods necessary for AI on the edge, so as to construct a top-down vertical integration for main themes.
So far, the achievements of this project include:
Doctors/ Master Students: 1800 students
Publications: > 1000 academic papers (Including Nature Materials, Nature Electronics, ISSCC, IEDM, VLSI)
Industry Catalyst:
Cooperation: 171 cases
Transfer: 41 cases
Startups: 5 companies