

駐洛杉磯科技組組長陳嘉元偕秘書梅中楷2021年11月19日赴Lake Forest市,拜訪總部在英國的AVEVA分公司,由副總裁 (R&D Core Operations) Su-Ming Chen接待,該公司著重於綠能、基礎建設、製造、鑽探、電能與水資源等領域的整合型數位轉型方案,並強調在AI及雲端的演算與應用。

AVEVA Group plc is a British multinational information technology consulting company headquartered in Cambridge, England. It is listed on the London Stock Exchange and is a constituent of the FTSE 100 Index. Wikipedia

Stock price: AVVYY (OTCMKTS) $46.02 -3.10 (-6.31%)

Nov 17, 4:00 PM EST - Disclaimer

Revenue: 820.4 million GBP (2021)

Headquarters: Cambridge, United Kingdom

Number of employees: 6,250 (2021)

Founded: 1967

Net income: 24.8 million GBP (2021)

圖:駐洛杉磯科技組組長陳嘉元與AVEVA南加州分公司副總裁Su-Ming Chen






更新日期 : 2021/11/25