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Staff Directory





Field English Name Telephone Fax E-mail
Director General Tai-Horng Young 02-27377540 02-27377671 thyoung@nstc.gov.tw
Deputy Director-General Camelia, C. J. Chen 02-27377823 02-27377671 camelia@nstc.gov.tw
Secretary Ming-Chuan Tsai 02-27377200 02-27377671 mingg26@nstc.gov.tw
Secretary Ying-Chen Li 02-27377478 02-27377671 jean2000@nstc.gov.tw
Biology & Agriculture Yu-Jen Tsao 02-27377423 02-27377671 yjtsao@nstc.gov.tw
Biology & Agriculture Ling-lan Chen 02-27377172 02-27377671 llchen@nstc.gov.tw
Biology & Agriculture Chia-Hui Lee 02-27377186 02-27377671 chlee@nstc.gov.tw
Biology & Agriculture Ling-Chin Chou 02-27377546 02-27377671 lcchou@nstc.gov.tw 
Biology & Agriculture Hui-Yi Hsu 02-27377037 02-27377671


Biology & Agriculture Yung-Mei Chao 02-27377906 02-27377671 ymchao@nstc.gov.tw
Biology & Agriculture Lu-Kai Wang 02-27377907 02-27377671 lkwang@nstc.gov.tw
Biology & Agriculture Pei-Chun Lai 02-27377541 02-27377671 pclai@nstc.gov.tw
Biology & Agriculture Chih-Chiao Tsai 02-27377172 02-27377671 cctsai@nstc.gov.tw
Biology & Agriculture Jung-Ying Chiang 02-27377991 02-27377671 yychiang@nstc.gov.tw
Biology & Agriculture Yun-Ru Chen 02-27377037 02-27377671 soa090@nstc.gov.tw
Medicine Pei-Wen Cheng 02-27377545 02-27377671 pwcheng@nstc.gov.tw 
Medicine Maud Wan-Ying Lee 02-27377547 02-27377671 wylee@nstc.gov.tw
Medicine Yu-Hui Lin 02-27377916 02-27377671 yh1lin@nstc.gov.tw
Medicine Wei-Jung Huang 02-27378009 02-27377671 wjhuang@nstc.gov.tw
Medicine Chun-Yi Liu 02-27377199 02-27377671 chyliu@nstc.gov.tw
Medicine Yi-Chuen Chong 02-27377185 02-27377671 ycchong@nstc.gov.tw
Medicine Nien-Chen Wu 02-27377547 02-27377671 ncwu@nstc.gov.tw
Medicine Pei-hin Chen 02-27377511 02-27377671 pla001@nstc.gov.tw
Medicine Shin-Yi Tsai 02-27377197 02-27377671 sytsai@nstc.gov.tw
Medicine Yu-Chen Lo 02-27377916 02-27377671 yclo@nstc.gov.tw
Medicine Wan-Chen Tsai 02-27377611 02-27377671 wctsai@nstc.gov.tw
Medicine Jui-Min Sung 02-27377905 02-27377671 jmsung@nstc.gov.tw
Medicine Ying-Hsiu Lin 02-27377185 02-27377671 yhlin019@nstc.gov.tw
Medicine Yueh-Tzu Hung 02-27377511 02-27377671 ythung@nstc.gov.tw
Medicine Fei-Ping Tai 02-27377543 02-27377671 fptai@nstc.gov.tw 
Medicine Pi-Pei Tang 02-27377611 02-27377671 pptang@nstc.gov.tw 
Medicine Yo-Chi Chang 02-27377544 02-27377671 yochang@nstc.gov.tw 
Medicine Ting-Hua Huang 02-27377542 02-27377671 thh@nstc.gov.tw 
Medicine Hsiu-Ting Tseng 02-27377197 02-27377671 httseng@nstc.gov.tw
Medicine Cheng Ching 02-27377195 02-27377671 ccheng@nstc.gov.tw
Medicine Jung-Tsun Chien 02-27377990 02-27377671 jtchien@nstc.gov.tw 
Medicine Ying-Hsiao Chiang 02-27377197 02-27377671 yhchiang@nstc.gov.tw
Medicine Hsiao-Yi Lee 02-27377546 02-27377671 pla005@nstc.gov.tw 
Medicine Hui-Lun Wu 02-27377542 02-27377671 hkwu@nstc.gov.tw
Medicine Hui-Hsin Lee 02-27377461 02-27377671 hhlee@nstc.gov.tw
Medicine Ying-Fei Tsai 02-27377191 02-27377671 yftsai@nstc.gov.tw
Medicine Yih-Wen Lin 02-27377191 02-27377671 ywlin@nstc.gov.tw




Last Modified : 2023/01/10