Boeing Internship Opportunity
美國 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 物理學程博士生徵才
8/2/2021 An Interview: New Cross-Domain Biomedicine Brings Precision Health for All in Taiwan
7/26/2021 科技部TTA國際數位策略傳捷報!MWC、AsiaTech參展全球合作創新高
7/22/2021 2021亞洲生技大會線上論壇 推動「臺灣精準健康戰略產業發展方案」跨域對談
7/22/2021 Intern Job Description
7/19/2021 Taiwan Innotech Expo – Future Tech Theme Pavilion(FUTEX) Looking for Exhibiters
7/15/2021 破解腸道與大腦的摩斯密碼 腸道細菌調控動物的壓力反應與社交行為
6/30/2021 Interview: Regional Revitalization to Bring Urban-Rural Balance and Sustainability
6/9/2021 2021未來科技獎徵件啟航,號召最強科技
5/28/2021 Machine Learning Summer Schools 2021 TAIPEI go completely virtual
6/1/2021 科技部TTA新創勇奪COMPUTEX d&i awards 11項大獎
6/1/2021 New Agriculture and Environmental Sustainability in Taiwan: An Interview
5/21/2021 Merck集團徵求研究案,經費界於4萬-45萬歐元間
5/21/2021 華府國建會訂於5/29舉辦線上量子電腦產學合作研討會
5/5/2021 中研院黃光彩教授徵博士後研究員
5/3/2021 Taiwan Lays Groundwork to Become Global Semiconductor Capital by 2030: An Interview