- 促進臺美雙方高等學研機構學術合作。
- 促進生技醫藥及其他高科技新創公司之發展。
- 強化科技人才交流及培育。
Given the thriving development and business in deep-tech, bio companies and startups in New England area, the Ministry of Science and Technology Taiwan (MoST) has acknowledged the importance and the necessity of the expansion of the bio industries as well as deep-tech startups and thus has established the Science and Technology Division, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Boston (TECO in Boston) in December 2018. The Science and Technology Division, TECO in Boston is located in Massachusetts. Its service areas cover twelve states: Massachusetts, Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Michigan and Ohio. Its areas cover the population of 96 Million 9,700 Thousand people, which account for 29 per cent of the U.S.A. population.
The Science and Technology Division, TECO in Boston has three essential missions:
- To facilitate the academia cooperation among the research institutes between Taiwan and the U.S.A.
- To expedite the development of the bio and deep-tech startups.
- To Engage high-tech talents' exchanges and cultivation.