
新英格蘭地區台灣同學聯合會( FTSANE)


正式成立於西元2006年的「新英格蘭地區台灣同學聯合會」簡稱「新英格蘭學聯」或「FTSANE」(Federal of Taiwanese Student Association in New England) ,至今已經邁入第14年,14年來透過各屆會長的努力,讓學聯變得越來越好。我們旨在以麻州首府波士頓為中心,向外服務新英格蘭地區(緬因州新罕布夏州佛蒙特州麻薩諸塞州羅德島州康乃狄克州),範圍涵蓋美國六個


新英格蘭學聯是非營利、非政治、非宗教性組織。成立目地為團結此地區台灣留學生, 輔助並與各校台灣學生會合作,增進各校台灣同學之情誼。每年不定期舉辦各種學術性、社交性、娛樂性活動,並成立網路/實體平台讓學生/社會人士相互交流,促進各種文化、生活…等等的交流




The Federation of Taiwanese Students Association of New England was officially established in 2006, which is referred to as FTSANE. We aim to serve students in the New England region (Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut) to the United States.


FTSANE is a non-profit, non-political, non-religious organization. The purpose of the establishment is to unite the students from Taiwan in this region and cooperate with the Taiwanese students association of each school to enhance social networking. We have a variety of academic, social, and recreational activities for the students to participate in and social media platforms, allowing students/social groups to interact with each other while exchanging their cultures and experiences.



更新日期 : 2020/01/16