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Welcome to the homepage of the Science Division, Taipei Representative Office in the Federal Republic of Germany.

Our division was established in 1988 at Frankfurt (am Main) by the National Science Council, Taipei (NSC). In 1996 it had been moved to the Science Centre (Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft) at Bonn and has remained there because most of the research associations and societies kept their headquarters in Bonn after the German government’s move to Berlin. The National Science Council had been converted into the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) as of 3rd March 2014 and further on 26th July 2022 reorganized into the Nationl Science and Technology Council(NSTC).

As such it not only determines policies with regard to science and technology but also provides financial means for academic research, and it is responsible for the development of science parks as well.

Last Modified : 2023/10/13