Project Objective
The project encourages institutions academia to use their own core and mature technical energy of maturity for serving industry. By building technical cooperation alliances with industries, the core technology will be systematically and sustainably diffused to serve the vast number of enterprises. The first phase of this project is to encourage the alliances to diffuse their core technologies, upgrade service quality and then provide alliances self-sufficiency. The goal of second phase is to encourage alliances to expand their service capacities, promote Taiwanese scientific research achievements to the worldwide, link the international organization, and improve the international competitiveness of the industries.
Promotion Style
The Academia-Industry Collaboration Projects shall provide up to two phase, and each phase has a maximum execution period of three years and a maximum annual subsidy of NT$3 million. The first phase focuses on technology promotion and diffusion, and encourages alliances to build core technology promotion platforms and provide multi-technology service solutions. It includes: laboratory testing and analysis services, consulting services, field visits for diagnosis and technical assistances, expert technical seminars, talent cultivation, technology transfer, industry and academia cooperation, and so on. The fee-based mechanisms (e.g., membership fees, service charges) established by the Alliance Service Technology Platform will be used for the operation of the alliances and establish the foundation of self-sufficiency. The second phase of the project is based on the operation of the first phase, and its goal is to encourage alliances provide differentiation and deepening service, such as developing internationalization services (such as the recruitment of international members, the international promotion and international cooperation, etc.) or expanding service capabilities (expansion of cross-field and cross-region, linkage of local industries, cooperation with associations, etc.).
Since 2023, in order to strengthen the international development of the alliances, the project tried to link the CORNET platform for the joint call for proposals to realize further pre-competitive collective researches with international research organizations and small and medium-sizes enterprises. As a well-established international research cooperation, the project improves the international exposure and competitiveness of the countries and industries.