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NSTC officially launched “ I See Taiwan, IC Grand Challenge Competition”, which to showcase to the world as inaugurate of Taiwan CbI Program

In response to the technological impact by generative AI, and to ensure Tai-wan maintains its advantage in semiconductor manufacturing amid this trend, the NSTC hosted the “Semiconductor Innovation and Industry Startup Summit” on May 14th, 2024. Tsung-Tsong Wu, Minister without Portfolio and Minister of National Science and Technology Council (NSTC), announced the launch of the “IC Taiwan Grand Challenge.” Building upon the Taiwan Chip-based Industrial Innovation Program (Taiwan CbI), which focuses on IC design and semiconductor-related applications, the challenge invites global tech talents to contribute their ideas. The aim is to attract teams to Taiwan to propose research, development, and commercialization plans, leveraging Taiwan's advantageous industrial resources, thereby driving the development of various industries across the country.

Deputy Minister Shien-Quey Kao of the National Development Council, as well as Honorary Chairman Stan Shih of the Taipei Computer Association (TCA), known as the “Taiwan Brand Guru,” and Chief Marketing Officer of SEMI, and President of SEMI Taiwan, Terry Tsao attend the event as they are one of the across ministries supporter to the Taiwan CbI.

IC Taiwan Grand Challenge makes Taiwan a dream destination for global talents, which mainly attracts global startups and academic groups focusing on the themes include "IC design innovations" and "chip-based innovative applications”.

Minister Wu emphasized that chips are pivotal in driving global tech industry growth. Taiwan as a key player in semiconductors, Taiwan has strength to expand internationally. Taiwan Chip-based Industrial Innovation Program “Taiwan CbI” initiative aims to leverage semiconductor resources for innovation and bolster Taiwan's global tech standing.

NSTC outlined the implementation of the "Taiwan CbI" initiative, focusing on attracting international talents, startups and investments to Taiwan. The IC Taiwan Grand Challenge competition and its pilot program, which targets startups, corporations, research institutions, and individuals globally interested in collaborating with Taiwan's semiconductor industry. It will spotlight global startups and academic groups focusing on the themes include "IC design innovations" and "chip-based innovative applications," seeking advanced technology or application proposals. Emphasis is placed on local connectivity, which can meet Taiwan resource needs and specific development plans, value creativity, and technological innovation during the review process. Selected teams will receive startup funds, workspace, mentorship from senior experts, and substantial industry support tailored to their needs, enabling global talent to realize their dreams in Taiwan.

The combination both semiconductors manufactures and the AI technology, sketching Taiwan’s blueprint for new economic development.

The event invited industry experts to analyze global semiconductor trends and Taiwan's opportunities in AI. Senior R&D Director Donnie Tung-Chieh Chen of Synopsys discussed AI-driven semiconductor innovation, while CEO David Weng of Taiwania Capital Management Corporation talked about enhancing international competitiveness through innovation. President Chih-I Wu of Taiwan Semiconductor Industry Association focused on Taiwan's semiconductor industry's advantages and challenges.

NSTC aims to spark innovation, discover global technologies for Taiwan's industries, foster new collaborations, and attract global talent through this competition. Together, we can prepare for the next decade and create another brilliant era.

Welcome all the global talents participate the “2024 IC Taiwan Grand Challenge.” The first round of online competition runs until June 30, 2024. For detailed registration information, please visit official website at http://ictaiwanchallenge.org/.


Ms. Chiayi Chen
Department of Academia-Industry Collaboration and Science Park Affairs, National Science and Technology Council
Tel: +886(2) 2737-7932

IC Taiwan Grand Challenge Contact:
Ms. Annett Wu
Taipei Computer Association
Tel: +886(2) 2577-4249 Ext. 312

Last Modified : 2024/05/21