

【M02 數學-學門代碼】



名稱(中) (英)
M0201 代數 Algebra
M02010001 群論 Group Theory
M02010002 環論和非結合代數 Ring Theory and Non-associative Algebra
M02010003 李代數 Lie Algebra
M02010004 交換代數 Commutative Algebra
M0202 數論 Number Theory
M02020001 代數和解析數論 Algebraic and Analytic Number Theory
M02020002 算術幾何 Arithmetic Geometry
M02020003 群和自守表現理論 Group and Automorphic Representation
M0203 幾何與拓樸 Geometry and Topology
M02030001 拓樸學 Topology
M02030002 微分幾何 Differential Geometry
M02030003 李氏群 Lie Groups
M02030004 代數幾何 Algebraic Geometry
M0204 分析 Analysis
M02040001 泛函分析 Functional Analysis
M02040002 調和分析 Harmonic Analysis
M02040003 複變函數 Complex Analysis
M02040004 最佳化理論 Optimization Theory
M0205 微分方程與動態系統 Differential Equation and Dynamical System
M02050001 常微分方程 Ordinary Differential Equation
M02050002 偏微分方程 Partial Differential Equation
M02050003 動態系統 Dynamical System
M0206 機率理論與應用 Probability Theory and Applications
M02060001 機率論 Fundamentals of Probability Theory
M02060002 隨機分析與統計物理 Stochastic Analysis and Mathematical Physics
M02060003 財務數學 Financial Mathematics
M02060004 應用機率 Applied Probability
M0207 離散數學與組合學 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics
M02070001 圖論 Graph  Theory
M02070002 組合 Combinatorics
M0208 數值分析與科學計算 Numerical analysis and Scientific Computing
M02080001 數值分析 Numerical analysis
M02080002 矩陣計算及應用 Matrix Computation and Applications
M02080003 偏微分方程數值計算 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
M02080004 流體力學計算 Computational Fluid Dynamics
M02080005 高效能計算 High Performance Computing
M0209 跨領域數學科學 Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences
M02090001 控制與最佳化方法 Control and Optimization Methods
M02090002 影像科學 Imaging Sciences
M02090003 生物系統建模與模擬 Modeling and Simulation of Biological Systems
M0299 其他數學類  
更新日期 : 2019/12/03