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Research Themes

The missions of the Chemistry Discipline are to strengthen the foundation of chemical research in Taiwan, to advance excellence of both fundamental and applied research, and to incubate as well as generate innovative solutions for socioeconomic benefits. The Chemistry Discipline works with all scientists in the chemical community to foster scientists at all career stages, to coordinate strategic and independent research programs, to catalyze domestic and international collaboration, to administer prestigious honorary awards and financial support for aspiring scientists, to develop major infrastructures essential to chemical research, and to promote the engagement of domestic scientists in international scientific activities. As an administrative agent taking the responsibility to review proposals and allocate grants, the Review Panel of the Chemistry Discipline comprises four Sub-groups, which represent the four major fields of chemistry: physical chemistry, organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry and analytical chemistry. Through decades of efforts, the following fields have emerged and are expected to remain as the highlights of chemical research in Taiwan: atmospheric and photochemistry, renewable energy, bio-nanotechnology, molecular machines, functional materials, medicinal chemistry, carbohydrate chemistry, catalytic chemistry, biosensors, chemical biology.

Last Modified : 2017/10/11